Food and Beverage

The safety of the foods we eat and beverages we drink is essential to worldwide health. The food and beverage industry and related government regulatory bodies require every solid and liquid contact item to be manufactured in accordance with high, and in many cases, accredited standards. At Clear Edge, when it comes to filter and fabrication technologies, we are pioneers in providing innovative products that meet or exceed industry standard performance.

Clear Edge provides all-round filtration solutions. Whether it is sugar refiningbrewingedible oilsdried milk products or a variety of other applications, the food and beverage sector has relied on our products for more than 40 years. We have a deep understanding of each of your process stages and have the expertise to help you improve efficiencies and reduce the costs associated with production.

We specialise in the following food and beverage applications:


Filtration is required for every step of the sugar extraction process and Clear Edge continues to develop our product range specifically for this application. We have expert knowledge of fabrication design requirements and we work with approved suppliers to deliver the best materials within the industry. We use advanced raw materials and weaving technologies in our exclusive filter media range. Our products incorporate specialised finishing techniques, optimised weave patterns and yarn combinations.

The most common filtration machinery for starch applications are rotary drumstower filter presseshorizontal vacuum belt filters and we work with our customers to develop filter media tailored to each filtration process. From gluten dewatering, starch dewatering to syrup production, our filter products are designed to optimise your throughput and filter efficiency. Due to the high risk of static electricity in starch applications we take steps to ensure the safety of starch production and the quality of the end product. Our filter media can be designed with anti-static coating to filter produce to meet the highest standards.

We have an extensive range of filter media including:

Edible Oils and Fats

For companies that manufacture everything from avocado and palm oil to rice bran and semi-refined sunflower oil, Clear Edge has a successful history of delivering high-quality filtration products and continuous product innovations. Our polyamide, polyester and polypropylene filtration materials are ideal for a wide range of applications, including dry fractionation and palm kernel oil fractionation, miscella filtration, bleached filtration, crude oil filtration and winterised oil filtration.

Companies in the edible oils and fats sector rely on Clear Edge for its industry-leading filter press cloths and pressure leaf filters.


Clear Edge has served the dairy industry for more than 30 years. Our largest customers are located in New Zealand and Australia. We partner with our colleagues at Filtration Group to pioneer filter media and products that deliver high performance in the production process from raw milk to high quality protein powders. Our team of experienced specialists tailor solutions based on our customer’s essential demands.

Working with our Filtration Group partners, primary products for the dairy industry are dust socksFiltrair HVAC filters and Global Liquid Filtration products are all used within the manufacturing process. Many dairy plants use CIP Clear Edge dust socks and hardware spares for drier baghouses, flexible connectors for sifter screens and powder conveying, and specialty products to solve a variety of filtration challenges. Clear Edge products provide quality all-round solutions for a majority of manufacturing sectors within the dairy industry.

Our range of dust filtration and hardware spares include:

Brewing, Vinification and Distillation

Filtration systems are used in a number of brewing processes including mash filtration, beer recovery from surplus yeast, beer filtration and earth dewatering. We understand the delicacy of the early stages of filtration and we tailor each filter press cloth that can adapt to low pressure rates with smooth cake release. Working closely with our brewery customers, we ensure all filter media such as filter press clothsrotary vacuum drum filterscandle sleeve filterspressure leaf filtersmulti-roll filters and tower filters  are adapted to each application environment including temperature, throughput, pressure flow rate and media finish. We also deliver dust collectors for the early stages of raw materials, allowing control of malt dust within the environment and coated with anti-statics media to eliminate the risk of static electricity.

In vinification processes, filtration is most commonly carried out in white wine unlike red wine, which is only filtrated at the lees stage of the process after fermentation, to obtain its natural flavours and characters. At Clear Edge, we deliver filter media across all filtration stages in vinification including pressed juice filtration, lees filtration stage settled juice and fermenting, final clarification and polishing, as well as wastewater filtration. During vinification, filter pressesrotary vacuum drumspressure leaf filters and candle filters are used for each application and we understand that each step of the filtration processes requires filter materials that delivers the best performance for high quality wines.

In distillation such as malt whiskey, typical process filter media is found within the mashing application, when the soluble starch is converted into a sugary liquid commonly referred to as wort. Distilleries on a global scale rely on Clear Edge to provide leading industry Horizontal Chamber Press Cloths when drawing wort from mash tun. In many plants, the solids within this process are filtered and sold to other food and beverage sectors. It is vital that the best filtration fabrications are developed and designed to ensure high quality spirits and other end products can be beneficially used.

We supply high quality and hygienic medias and products including:

Request further information on Clear Edge Filter Media for Food and Beverage