Mining and Minerals

The mining and minerals sector demand high-quality solid-liquid and solid-gas filtration. Clear Edge’s wide range of filter products and solutions offers maximum performance to meet those demands. Using our well-established and growing worldwide support network of highly qualified filtration, application and market specialists, we continuously improve technologies and innovate products to suit each mining, refining, electrowinning and smelting applications.

At Clear Edge, we bring our extensive industry experience and knowledge to meet your process requirements. We have experienced each resource cycle alongside our mining and mineral processing partners, and we understand the challenges faced by the modern mining sector. As a Clear Edge customer, we focus on your needs and work with you when environmental and safety standards change. As mineral and water resources become scarcer and commodity prices experience highs and lows, we partner with you to provide solutions that are best suited for you. Whether your process is focused on minerals or energy, we are experts in fine tuning our filtration products to maximise your product value.

Tailing and Concentrate Dewatering

Metal producers understand the importance of an efficiently operated filter building. Whether your filters are de-watering, concentrated metallurgical ore for a fine particle size, tailings slurry for dry stacking, the filtration facility is an essential process step.

Clear Edge has collaborated with metal producers for decades to achieve the best filtration results from a wide variety of processes. We fine tune parameters such as cake moisture, solids capture and cloth installation, whilst driving filter availability and throughput.

The solution to your filtration processes relies on years of experience in filter equipment. At Clear Edge, we have supported Filter Press ClothsHorizontal Vacuum Belt Filters, Twin Wire Presses, Rotary Vacuum Disc Filters and Rotary Vacuum Drum Filters for decades. Over the years we have developed a range of hardware spares to support these applications.

When it comes to filter media, Clear Edge will work with you to select the best options for your process and operational goals. Our highly-trained sales team are supported by application and industry experts and backed by state-of-the-art laboratories to review your process and select the optimum media.

Read more about out Tailings and Concentrate Dewatering solutions in our dedicated brochure.

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