Meet Tanmoy Mandal

Market Intelligence Manager,

India Region

Name: Tanmoy Mandal

Region: India

Position: Market Intelligence Manager

Years of Service: 7+ years

Nationality: Indian

Can you tell us about your current role and responsibilities?

Currently, I hold the position of Market Intelligence Manager at Clear Edge. My primary responsibility entails overseeing all market intelligence and research activities. This involves leading initiatives for lead generation, conducting market research projects, and addressing ad hoc requests related to market analysis. The key objective of this role is to furnish our organization with comprehensive market insights to facilitate informed strategic decision-making.

Can you tell us about your journey at Clear Edge?

I started my journey with Clear Edge in 2017 as a Market Analyst. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to work on a wide range of projects across different departments, gaining valuable experience and knowledge. In recognition of my contributions and professional growth, I was promoted to Assistant Manager of Strategic Marketing in 2021. In 2022, I advanced to my current role as Market Intelligence Manager.

What is the driving force behind everything you do… what keeps you motivated and driven daily?

The driving force behind my endeavors is the eagerness to learn and progress positively. Additionally, the unwavering support of my family serves as a constant source of motivation, aiding me in navigating through challenges and staying focused on my goals.

What’s something you do to start your workday?

Working from home requires self-motivation and a good routine. I start my day with a healthy breakfast, which helps me stay productive and focused.

Tell us about your biggest achievement/proudest moment at Clear Edge to date.

While One of my proudest moments at Clear Edge was leading several strategic projects that significantly contributed to the company’s growth and market positioning. These projects involved extensive market analysis, strategic planning, and cross-functional collaboration.

Who has been the biggest mentor in your professional career and what was the most important lesson they taught you?

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of learning from many mentors, each offering unique insights and guidance. These mentors have provided invaluable lessons that have shaped my professional development. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the value of continuous improvement and adaptability

What advice would you give to new employees joining the organization?

For new employees, my advice is to actively seek out knowledge and continuously develop your skills. Dedication and a strong work ethic are essential for success. Additionally, building strong relationships with your colleagues and fostering a spirit of teamwork and mutual support can greatly enhance your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals.

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?

Outside of work, I indulge in my passion for football and Formula 1 racing, supporting my favorite teams, players and drivers. I enjoy staying informed about geopolitics and current affairs through reading. Additionally, I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all my colleagues for their steadfast support and collaboration throughout my journey at Clear Edge. Their unwavering camaraderie has been instrumental in my professional development and achievements within the organization.

What do you enjoy most about being a Market Intelligence professional?

As a Market Intelligence professional, I enjoy uncovering insights that drive strategic decisions. The changing market dynamics and collaborative projects make the role exciting. Collaborating with cross-functional teams to translate market data into actionable strategies is particularly rewarding.

What industries can Clear Edge help do more to improve our environment?

Clear Edge is dedicated to creating a Safer, Healthier, and More Productive World. We have the expertise to assist a wide range of industries in improving their overall performance. By optimizing processes, enhancing production efficiency, and reducing total cost of ownership (TCO), we help companies minimize their carbon footprint and promote sustainability. Our solutions are designed to not only improve operational efficiency but also contribute to long-term environmental goals, making a positive impact on both the industry and the planet.

Please tell us about a situation where your recommendation helped make the World Safer, Healthier, and More Productive.

My work helps shape Clear Edge’s strategies. By identifying new opportunities and trends, we develop solutions that contribute to a safer, healthier, and more productive world. Our efforts in optimizing processes and reducing environmental impact contribute to a broader goal of creating a Safer, Healthier, and More Productive World. My work supports Clear Edge’s mission and drives positive change in the industries we serve.